Archive for March, 2009



First of all I solved my problem comparing strings. Silly it can be, I appended a “\n” at the end of one string right after the xmlReader for logging purposes. Later on, I forgot about the string and it rested there until the comparing problem occured. I haven’t seen on the Log what’s wrong with […]

…and it was quite tricky, even though it needs only a few lines of code to play audio files on the phone. I used the AVAudioPlayer which is in the AVFoundation framework (don’t forget to add it to your project, not just include….took me half an hour). Just look via Spotlight for it and import […]

Just have the problem that [stringVar1 isEqualtoString: stringVar2] always returns NO (false) in Objective C, when the variables are NSString pointers (the strings are from the NSXMLparser) from two different NSMutableArrays.(???) When I define the variables few lines before with stringVar1 = @”test”; and stringVar2 = @”test”; the code above returns YES (true) as expected. […]

Today I wrote a xml importer for mediascape files into the iphone application. (First objective C App and no memory leak! 🙂 ) The first step was to get all objects and their coordinates which are defined in the .msl files. The next step is to import the links between media regions and media files […]

After a few (but tough) hours I got it to work, to extract xml files on an iphone. It’s little bit tricky when you start with objective c from scratch, but after I got more into it, it makes more and more fun (and sense..). The iphone SDK has some easy-to-use methods to parse the […]

…is an option to filter data jitter from the GPS signal, occuring when the receiver stands still. This has its advantages for navigation systems, but not for pedestrial applications. The filter will ignore data when a speed less than ~5 km/h (it varies) is detected. To switch this filter off I tried today the SiRFdemo […]

just doing more research and adding it to the previous post

During the last days I tested various GPS API’s on different cell phones for their functionality. Some of the Pro’s and Contra’s I’ve listed below to get an overview of each tested operating system, cell phone, etc… Nokia N73 + BlüeNEXT BN909GR Pro: compatible with JSR 179 JAVA library (for location data gathering through various […]

Today I tried the source code from Vietnamese GPS. Et voila, it runs on the N73! I’ve done a little bit more research about this JSR 179 Location library and discovered its easy handling in the source code. After testing in the field I recognised that there’s almost no jitter from the gps receiver and […]

Java ≠ Java


Mobile Computing Principles This was the first thing I looked for today. This “handsome” book (~860 pages) contains a vaste description of various designing and developing hints for mobile applications. There it was, the explanation which techniques are used on mobiles for acquiring location information. Essentially you can manage all the different types of location […]